Duck Race 2016
Thanks to everyone for making the 2016 Duck Race an amazing success!
See our Facebook photo album for more photos!
The event yielded about $15,000, distributed as follows:
- $4000 to our three primary charities
- $2000 in prizes to duck race winners
- $9000 to the Rotary Foundation for scholarships, other direct charitable donations, fundraising events, and support for Rotary International's efforts on polio eradication and other important causes.
The Rotary Club of Camden County, GA expresses its sincere appreciation to the generous sponsors shown below and to all those who sponsored a duck.
Saturday, April 30th, 2016
The annual Rotary Duck Race, held during the Woodbine Crawfish Festival, is our major fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation. For 2016, the primary beneficiaries were:
- Wee Read (Dolly Parton's Imagination Library)
- Methodist Home for Boys
- Camden House
Donations for these worthy causes come from duck tickets and from these generous sponsors:
Canvasback ($1000)
Mallard ($500)
Wood Duck ($250)
Jedon Lilliston Neal Moore
Hooded Merganser ($125)