Duck Race 2021

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

The annual Rotary Duck Race is our major fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation. This year, due to the cancellation of the Woodbine Crawfish Festival, we held this event at the St. Marys Historic Fishing Tournament at the St. Marys waterfront park! The event raised about $20,000 to support our charitable work over the next year. Our club is so grateful to all our sponsors and to everyone who bought tickets. Thank you!!!

After prizes and expenses, all funds raised for this event will support the charitable mission of our club's foundation. This mission includes support for the Georgia Rotary Student Program, contributions to The Rotary Foundation, and direct grants to local charities. For 2021, the primary local beneficiaries will be:

  • Camden County High School Band and Chorus trip to Hawaii for Pearl Harbor Event

Donations for these worthy causes come from duck tickets and from these generous sponsors:

Canvasback ($1000)

Mallard ($500)

Wood Duck ($250)

Hooded Merganser ($125)