Frequently Asked Questions (Updated July 1st, 2023)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Rotary But Were Afraid to Ask

1. What is Rotary all about?

Rotary is about service, fellowship, and learning about our local community.

2. Is the Rotary Club of Camden County, GA part of a larger organization?

Yes. Our club is one of over 35,000 clubs worldwide that belong to Rotary International. There are more than 1.2 million active Rotarians around the world.

3. Who can join Rotary?

Membership is open to any adult who believes in service above self. High school students and college students may participate in Rotary through Interact and Rotaract clubs, respectively. We enthusiastically welcome people of any race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin; in fact, one of our Rotary District's goals is to diversify our membership base. Basically, if you're an adult of good character who likes meeting new people, learning new things, and making the world a better place, you are welcome here!

4. How can I learn more about Rotary and this club?

First, review this website and explore links to Rotary District 6920 and Rotary International. Then, contact us and let us know you would like to attend a meeting. We will arrange for you to attend a meeting as a guest of a Rotarian. At this meeting, you can get a first-hand glimpse of what we do and ask any questions to Rotarians to find out if membership is right for you.

5. How can I contact you?

You can visit the Rotary International website and use the "Join Rotary" page to learn about the membership process and enter your contact information. Rotary International will relay this information to us and we will contact you. You can also leave a message on our Facebook page, click the "contact the webmaster" link below, or just reach out to any member directly. Basically, we're easy to reach and there's no wrong way.

6. If I cannot attend the weekly meetings on Friday mornings due to work, family, or other obligations, can I still join?

Yes! Rotary has changed to provide more flexible membership options and to recognize that a Rotarian may be an engaged member even if they cannot attend the regular meetings. You could still attend social events and service projects, attend District and International conferences, and help a club committee.

7. What are the types of membership?

Most Rotarians have standard memberships, where you pay full dues and are expected to attend most meetings and events as your schedule permits. We have recently introduced corporate memberships where up to four people from an organization can share one membership position.

8. What are membership dues?

Dues for standard membership are $175 per quarter, and most of this goes to pay for your breakfast during meetings. Corporate memberships are $200 per quarter.

9. Are there any secret rituals or funny costumes?

No, Rotary is an open and straightforward organization. We don't have any secrets or elaborate initiation rituals and the only organizational clothing is the name tag you wear during meetings. We treat new members with respect and dignity. Rotarians wear anything from casual to business attire during meetings, usually determined by where they are going afterwards.

10. Will I have to speak in front of the group or give presentations?

We do ask members to give a short hospitality presentation and a personal introduction about once per year. If public speaking doesn't come easily to you, we will be flexible and supportive of whatever you feel comfortable doing.

11. How much time is required to be a member?

Standard members usually devote between one and several hours per week, depending on how much they volunteer to work on committees and service projects. Rotary will not require much of your time unless you want it to, and we accommodate members who face significant family, work, or other demands. Rotary International has been very clear that nobody should have to decide between being a good Rotarian and a good parent, employee, business owner, etc. There are many different ways to participate, and our club is flexible.

12. Are there other Rotary clubs nearby?

Yes. The Rotary Club of Kings Bay also serves the Camden County area. Brunswick has three clubs. Blackshear and Waycross each have one club. There are also lots of clubs in northeast Florida.

13. What is the difference between Rotary and Kiwanis, Lions, Jaycees, and other service organizations? Which is best?

All service organizations have some similarities, and the biggest difference is often just where and when they have regular meetings. You should check out other active clubs in the area and find whichever one is the best fit for you. Of course, we hope you will join Rotary--but we think the most important thing is for you to get involved somewhere to make a difference in people's lives.